Hollister United Methodist Church & PreschoolHollister United Methodist Church & Preschool
ALL are welcome to EVERYTHING we do!
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ALL are welcome to EVERYTHING we do!

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors

Welcome to The Hollister United Methodist Church & Preschool Website

Discover Friends, Family, and Purpose


Preschool Substitute Teacher for 2024/2025

We are currently looking for a kind hearted substitute and classroom aide to help care for our children when teachers are out sick or on vacation. Our ideal candidate has completed, or is currently enrolled in Child Development Classes. The candidate must  love working with children, be reliable, and be available to support our school even with short notice.


Contact our preschool director, Shaylynn Lucas: HollisterMethodistPreschool@gmail.com


Joys and Happenings at HUMC




Ash Wednesday - Drive by Ashes to go with Pastor Hwapyoung


Stop by outside the church on the corner of 5th & Monterey st
for ashes and blessing by the pastor

Making Valentine’s day cards with Judy Reynolds

United Women of Faith - 2024 Holiday Boutique


World Communion Sunday
Oct 1, 2023


Singing on Pentecost Sunday


We are so Glad you are here!

Get in touch with us and make sure to follow us in our social media channels that you can find at the bottom of the page. Please use the contact form below for any questions about our church or preschool or how we can help.

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Let's Chat.

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*Thank you to the Community Foundation for San Benito County for their support of the Hollister Methodist Preschool, by providing a grant for the development of our new Logo, Website, and Take Home Learning Packet Program for Covid remote learning!

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521 Monterey Street
Hollister, CA 95023


(831) 637-4240

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